
在新书Chinese Families Upside Down: Intergenerational Dynamics and Neo-Familism in the Early 21st Century中,你提到,虽然父权衰落,代际关系仍旧在今天的家庭生活中发挥至关重要的...

The mortgage is possible because Denmark, as well as Sweden and Switzerland, has seen rates in money markets drop to levels that turn banking upside-down. 这种贷款之所以可...

The amazing sight of a fitness fanatic working out his washboard stomach by dangling upside down over a Brazilian beach was initially seen as a daring act of stupidity. 一...

7. Turn your coworker's world upside down 把你同事的电脑桌面倒过来 This one's not a show-stopper, but it is super easy, and tame enough for almost any office. When your (hopefully good-natured) coworker heads off for a bathroom break, hit Ctrl+Alt+...

flip... upside down-\-\-颠覆 例句:I wouldn't say this whole project has flipped my life upside down, but at least it gave me an opportunity to take a closer look at how the c...

更多内容请点击:专访阎云翔:家庭作为私人生活的避风港,可能是暂时现象 推荐文章